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How do I import members to my access group?

Add a batch of RFID tokens to your access group

Gina ter Heide avatar
Written by Gina ter Heide
Updated over 4 months ago

Importing RFID Cards for Access Groups

You can easily import a large batch of RFID cards for access groups in your E-Flux by Road account. Follow these steps to import RFID cards:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Log in to your E-Flux by Road account.

  2. Navigate to ‘My Locations’ and select ‘My Access Groups’.

  3. Click on the access group where you want to import members and select ‘Import Members’.

  4. Prepare your CSV file:

    • Create the file based on the format shown in the example below.

    • In the ‘NAME’ column, add the name or description of the RFID tags.

    • In the ‘UID’ column, input the RFID chip codes.

    • Ensure that each line corresponds properly: the name/description on one line matches the UID on the same line.

    • Save the file as a .csv format, as this is the required file type for import.

  5. Upload your CSV file:

    • Import the file, and all listed RFID tokens will be added to the selected access group.

  6. Link the access group to the charging station:

    • Go to ‘My Locations’, select the relevant location, navigate to ‘Configuration’, and click on the gear icon to link the access group to your charging station.

Example CSV File Format:



Reservetag Desk


Important Notes:

  • Each row in the CSV file should represent one RFID card, with its name and UID aligned on the same line.

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