Please note: this is an extra functionality, and therefore not currently available to every customer. Please contact your contactperson within E-Flux by Road for more information.
What is it?
Tariffs can be set on all connectors of a location. We use a simple base tariff (tariff per kWh, per hour, and per session) and advanced tariffs, such as a scheduled tariff. This allows users to configure price overwrites for particular times of day or days in the week, e.g. special weekend or night tariff.
Who can use scheduled tariffs?
Advanced tariffs can be used in BETA for now, and can be set by the charge point operator of the locations. The account admin can configure the tariff settings.
How does this work on our platform?
Navigate to a charging station in your account;
Select the charging station you would like to update tariffs on;
Select the tab 'configuration' for the location;
Edit settings;
Select the Tariff System ‘Scheduled Tariff’
Next to the ‘Base Tariff’, add as many scheduled tariffs as you would like. You can add a schedule for a particular time of day and/or day of week.