If you or your visitors don't have a charge card, don't worry! You can easily enable free charging for your charge point. Log into your E-Flux by Road account and go to "My Locations". Select the name of the charge point that needs to have free charging enabled. Select 'Configuration' and click the cog under settings. Check the box that reads "Allow any card to charge here for free".
After clicking "Update", your charge point will accept anything with an RFID chip, without additional payment. This means that you can charge your car using your gym card, travel card or even your office access card. These charging sessions will not be reimbursed by E-Flux or your employer, which makes this a great option for when you have a visitor who needs to charge their EV.
Important side note: if you settle your charging costs with your employer you need to undo this action before charging your corporate car as charging sessions will not be reimbursed. This means your employer will not be held responsible for the energy consumption related to these sessions.